Monday, February 27, 2012

The Center for Contemporary Art Celebrates Youth Art Month

Each year, for the past twelve years, in celebration of Youth Art Month, The Center for Contemporary Art hosts exhibitions of Somerset County student work in partnership with Art Educators of New Jersey. Youth Art Month has a long history going back to 1961 and is supported by the National Art Education Association. Each year, each state submits a Youth Art Month report to NAEA and awards of excellence are given to 4 states. New Jersey has been in the top 4 for the past 11 years.

This year fourteen public and private schools located throughout Somerset County will be participating in two exhibitions during the month of March. Part I of Youth Art Month runs from March 1-March 11 and features students in grades K through 5. Part II features students in grades 6 through 12 and runs from March 15-March 25. Public receptions will be held on Sunday, March 11th for Part I and Sunday, March 25th for Part II. Awards presentations will be held at 2:30 pm. each day.

This year, for the first time, The Center will hold two Family Open House events in conjunction with Youth Art Month receptions from 1-3:30 pm on Sunday, March 11th and 25th. Activities include a variety of hands-on art projects and artist demonstrations led by The Center’s faculty. Special class registration promotions will be offered, along with a summer camp preview, refreshments and more! The events are offered free of charge and the facility is handicapped accessible.

Come check it out! And bring a friend. All programs take place at The Center for Contemporary Art, 2020 Burnt Mills Road, Bedminster, NJ. (908)234-2345