Monday, July 6, 2009

New at SAA!

For all those who like to plan ahead, here's a look at a couple great workshops that will be featured this fall at the Somerset Art Association!


4-day Botanical Watercolor Workshop

SEPTEMBER 8, 9, 10, 11 10 t o 3 

Fee: $475/425 members 

Please read the cancellation policy before you register.

(There is a non- refundable fee of $50 included in registration) 


The passion for flowers is in all of us who nurture plants in our gardens or kitchen window sill, or have a passion for nature. This workshop will introduce students to the fundamentals needed to render this beauty accurately in graphite pencil and watercolor or gouache. Through a series of simple exercises students will learn how to look closely, understand floral structure, and most importantly learn a variety of techniques created to remove the mystery of how to depict botanical subjects realistically. Additionally ever yone will be encouraged to keep a ‘seasonal nature journal’. All levels. 

Katie Lee is a renowned botanical and wildlife ar tist and instructor. A graduate of the New York Botanical Garden Botanical Illustration program, Katie has been an instructor at that institution for the past 16 years. Ms. Lee teaches drawing, watercolor, gouache and illustration courses at various programs worldwide. 

Her uniquely realistic botanical and zoological paintings have been successfully exhibited in one-person shows in the United States and abroad. Her work can be found in many private collections. Her paintings have been accepted into the prestigious Leigh Yawkey Woodson Ar t Museum’s Birds in Ar t, 2002 and 2003. Ms. Lee has illustrated a number of books published by Sound Prints, Norwalk, CT, as part of their Smithsonian Wild Heritage Collection.


1-day Glazing With Pencils Workshop 

How to Create Mixed Media Drawings using pencils and water-based paints 


Fee: $125/99 members 

Please read the cancellation policy before you register.

(There is a non- refundable fee of $10 included in registration) 

 Using textured, toned or color papers, par ticipants will learn how to create 

black & white underpaintings that will then be glazed over with color and 

graphite pencils. This method can be used to create black and white drawings 

with enhanced chiaroscuro lighting effects, deeper and more lustrous color 

drawings or as a technique for making quick sketches. 

Carol Wax is an internatiomally recognized ar tist whose paintings 

and mezzotint prints have been widely exhibited. Her work is included in the 

collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The National Museum of 

American Art. In addition to teaching workshops and lecturing throughout the country she has 

taught at the Rhode Island School of Design and New York University. 

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